b_300_300_16777215_00_images_stories_Csaba_levelek_Csaba_testver_19554004_1427456783996602_6619057280120342640_n.jpgOne of the nicest games ,that I really liked ,was one ,that a crying little girl taught me and it’s one that can be played at any time in the midst of lots of laughter ! It was the Christmas vacation. At times like this perhaps children are even more hurt by solitude . I went to one of the sad little girl she was probably 5-6 years old back then-unfortunately nobody came to visit her -I smiled at her mischievously and asked her: “ Do you want to play ?”( You never ask an orphan , what the problem is, because there are plenty of problems  and why focus on those wounds it is so easy to open up those wounds ! ) The tiny girl's  eyes lit up and told me : “ Lets play that you find me !” My eyes opened wide I thought of many games but not of one like this . I found out quickly the rules , I picked her up and a few times I threw her up  high in the air , and in the meantime I was rejoicing , that well, how great it is that I have found her ! She was laughing and tried to catch the safe “port” my neck . Naturally I did not let her . Feeling happy that I found her I threw her up in the air a few more times then embraced her panting . The little orphaned girl , who was not looked up by or rung by anybody at Christmas , just laughed and laughed then smiling she asked me :” Are you also happy because you have found me ? “
The years went by , the little girl became a calm , beautiful mother . I did not succeed in solving her problems with her parents , but I succeeded to help her to get through this difficult, grave period of her life . And now, when we meet , even if I am not throwing her up anymore into the air  laughing , we always play : how great it is that we found each other in this World !
Father Csaba 
translated by dr k.e.