
b_300_300_16777215_00_images_stories_Csaba_levelek_Csaba_testver_28059189_1651988168210128_2081231187572545026_n.jpgI suggest that we develop a framework for our spiritual life . It is totally different for the mother of a family, and elderly person or in case of a friar .Lets have time set aside during the day when we can plan what is to be done , establish an order of priority , lets look at the scenarios when we could fail and we should prepare for these consciously to avoid them: Lets see if there is someone who especially needs our help and how can we assist them . And first of all lets ask for God’s blessing and help for our whole day , so like this we can walk our everyday by holding His hand. It is good if at night we look back and see where we managed to accomplish our decisions , and ask forgiveness for our stumbling ,  like this in our evening prayer we can calm down , we can renew in the  God’s love.
Father Csaba 
translated by dr k.e.