Open my eyes Lord…

b_300_300_16777215_00_images_stories_Szent_Szentek_28700777_1666066720135606_6966339259475564509_o.jpgAs far as I am concerned not only during Lent , but during the year as well I read the Stations of the Cross not just once..I have a prayerbook I came across in Transylvania each time I read it, it’s text has a profound effect on me and makes me wonder what our Redeemer did for us ….did I deserve it ? I doubt it…
“Through the eyes of every tormented, tortured ,exhausted man, Christ carrying His cross is looking at you ! Help him as much as you can ! You can do a lot with just a warm, sympathetic glance , a sincere , kind word !
Open my eyes Lord that I may notice the sufferings of the people around me! Let me not pass them by blindly , but let me help according to my capability to ease the weight of their cross ! Even if I cannot do too much, but whatever I can I want to do  joyfully . “ Amen.
translated by dr k.e.