b_300_300_16777215_00_images_stories_Szent_Kozosegek_84168334_2802565353152398_5236059548984279040_n.jpgTake a look at your child ! They are worth much more than Michelangelo’s beautiful Pieta, because that is only marble , a dead stone , but you child has an immortal soul .
It is a great problem , if your child to be born is an obstacle that  has to be solved : obstacle because it curbs the mother’s fulfilment , carrier , entertainment .  MotherTeresa states :" Abortion is the greatest enemy of peace, because if a mother can kill her own child , what is stopping me from killing you, or you killing me ? In reality nothing . To make such a decision that a child has to die in order that we live according our own will-this is miserable .”
Father Csaba 
translated by dr k.e.