IV th Station: Serving the community


b_300_300_16777215_00_images_stories_Szent_Szent_helyek_10869724_996398057068543_2637692611421670562_o.jpgGlory be to the Father and to the Son and to the Holy Spirit. As it was in the beginning is now, and ever shall be, world without end.

Saint Nicholas is farming , he has a nice family , the children are growing and in 1460  aged 43 , as a mature adult in the interest of his people ha again takes up arms. It was noted , that in this campaign he was capable not only with the enemy but also with his companions to oppose orders for the sake of justice and this is how he saved near Diessenhofen the St Katharinental  Dominican nun’s convent from pillage, plundering. He demobilises again , goes home with a heavy heart into his nice home ! Its is not recorded from what date exactly he accepts a community role , but the fact is that he also tried to serve his people , his homeland as a fair-minded judge as well successfully . According to documents he did everything possible to avoid being chosen as a chief judge. Probably at this stage he could already clearly see that by violence , war, judgement the world cannot be made or beaten into a better place.

Often we enter cruelly into trying to protect our alleged or actual truth or being right , in  a painful argument ,  hard battle ! Often we  strive, fight relentlessly , giving and receiving blows while if we would just think we could clearly see that the cruel fights only have one winner the evil spirit. How many humiliated, injured people are around us!! In the world today there  are a great number wounded and dead even today everywhere . Saint Nicholas of Flue over 50 years was part of this cruel world . He tries to be a good judge but here as well he experiences that there are unjust judges from whose mouths in response to his prayers tongues of flame gush out, signalling that under the judges robes in these people as well the selfish , base fire is blazing. He experiences that in the wars declared as just, his comrades without a pang of conscience  are capable of pillaging, burning for the loot even a convent, the house of God as well . What is the truth asks Jesus Christ , in front of Pilate? Then without a word accepts the suffering of Good Friday . We watch television , listen to the radio and are trying to find out at that particular time which party is telling a bigger lie. Who are those who cunningly , hypocritically are trying to force on us  their greedy, selfish interests in the name of justice ?
Let us pray: Our Lord, our God help us by the intercession of Saint Nicholas of Flue, that we do not look for our inexorable justice  in callous arguments or by judgement in the courts and not even on bloody battlefields ! Help us not to try to conquer by force , tricks each other , but by wise dialogue , in Your presence,  composed , collected by prayer to search for and find Your holy will . Help us Lord that we may believe in the possibility of changing our world , by the final victory of love according to Your will .
So that our petitions  maybe heard we pray :
Our Father, Who art in heaven
Hallowed be Thy Name;
Thy kingdom come,
Thy will be done,
on earth as it is in heaven.
Give us this day our daily bread,
and forgive us our trespasses,
as we forgive those who trespass against us;
and lead us not into temptation,
but deliver us from evil. Amen.
Father Csaba 
translated by dr k.e.