Dare to become a parent, grandparent , a carer...

b_300_300_16777215_00_images_stories_Alapitvany_Hirek_gyerekek172.jpgDare to become a parent, grandparent , a carer in the children’s homes !! There is a 4 years lapse between the photos and behold the small human-sapling has grown up so nicely …My thanks to the dear carer Éva for taking in the child fallen out of the nest!! I am praying that this desire for the service of life may surface ! I am praying that in all our homes our children have a suitable , wonderful carer !!
We await with trust all those , who gladly, with love will accept the service of life in the homes of the Saint Francis Foundation !
You may apply either to me  but any person in charge in any of our homes as well !
With love,
Father Csaba
translated by dr k.e.