Nagyszerű látni benneteket!! Szeretettel vissza várunk! Ti itt mindig otthon vagytok!
Csaba t.
Drága Csaba testvér,
Ma eljöttünk arra a helyre, ahol szeretettel és neveléssel nőttünk fel.
Nagyon sok érzelmet és emléket éltünk át.
Drága Kristina nevelő megmutatta nekünk a házat, ahol sok jó dolgot tanultunk.
Szívből köszönjük mindazt, amit értünk tettek, és kérjük a Jóistent, hogy adjon Önöknek sok egészséget.
Bianca, Ramona és Alina
Augusztus 5.én - 16.00 órától szeretettel várunk Radnán, Mária lábánál.
Csaba t.
A történelmi Magyarország egyik legfontosabb Mária-kegyhelye, a Maros völgyében fekvő, impozáns, barokk, kéttornyú máriaradnai kegytemplom. A ferences rendi templom a Maros mente, a Bánság és a szegedi nagytáj központi búcsújáró temploma, amely nemcsak a táj festői szépségével vonz számos hívőt, de a környékbeliek szerint csodák helyszíne is a régmúlt idők óta...Sok más érdekességet mesél majd a búcsújáró helyről Bojte Csaba testvér azon a zarándoklaton melyre július 31-ig még lehet jelentkezni! Az ötnapos dél-erdélyi kalandozás feledhetetlen élménynek ígérkezik. Ne maradjanak le róla!
Jelentkezés: 2024. július 31.
Időtartam: 2024. augusztus 05-09.
Információk: Dr.Hortai Rita 06/30/249-56-37
Szent Benedek kolostora a pusztító háború, az emberi butaság iskola példája!! A felbecsülhetetlen értéket az Amerikaiak bombázták szét, majd ujra építették.... De ugyanaz???
Térdeljünk le és imádkozzunk józan észért, mely megállítja a háborút,
Csaba t.
Most segíts meg, Mária, ó irgalmas Szűzanya.
Keservét a búnak-bajnak eloszlatni van hatalmad.
Hol ember már nem segíthet, a Te erőd nem törik meg.
Hő imáit gyermekidnek, nem, Te soha nem veted meg.
Hol a szükség kínja nagy, mutasd meg, hogy anya vagy.
Most segíts meg, Mária, ó irgalmas Szűzanya.
This picture brings back memories, from what seems like a century ago, on the other of the globe With me in the picture is a man, Sándor, in a Sydney hospital, the first of many very generous Hungarians (and non-Hungarians) living in Australia who bequeathed a significant inheritance to the Saint Francis Foundation. As the Foundation's Australian representative at the time, I am well aware of how generous they were. I did not know Sándor prior to our meeting at the hospital, and in all, I think I saw him twice before he passed away. I can but hope that the recipients fully undertood and appreciated what they were given, and are remembered in their prayers. I know that Sándor's generosity will be remembered by the One who matters the most, may he rest in peace!
With my sincere thanks and gratitude,
Levente Csender, author of this book had the pleasure of spending five weeks with Franciscan monk Csaba Böjte. They traveled thousands of kilometers in Transylvania, and along the way, they got lost in conversations about life, death, faith, solidarity, and many other things that concern people today. Their trip became an inner journey, and thus, in the course of the travels, Brother Csaba's herbarium was born.
What does this “Herbarium” actually contain? Our intention is to share healing thoughts which will help our readers thrive, fill their souls with light, illuminate their minds, and help them raise their gaze from the earth beneath their feet to the sky above their heads. It is part of our striving to find the harmony between body, mind, and soul. It is a concrete step towards inner balance and contentment.
This book is, in part, a record of five weeks of travels in Transylvania with Brother Csaba. In it, you will find cheerful conversations, laughter, and a record of his innumerable remarks, all infused with Franciscan serenity.
Tartalmas programokkal várnak mindenkit nagy szeretettel!
2022. okt. 27 (csü) 12.30 Könyvbemutató Csák Jánossal – „Az élet jó oldala”
(Helyszín: A38-as hajó étterme, a Petőfi híd budai hídfőjénél horgonyoz, a budai alsó rakpat)
Halmos Ádám; This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
2022. okt. 28 (pé) 17.00 Budapest – VIII. Keresztény Film-és Könyvnapok
Helyszín: Uránia mozi dísztermében
dr. Torgyán Atilla; 00 36 30 3977200; Etalon Film Ltd.
2022. okt. 29 (szo) 16.00 Szeged – szentmise és fözőverseny (Csibi Edit)
Helyszín: Felső Tisza -part- Betyárok Tanyája és Szelecky szinpad
2022. okt. 30 (va) 12.45 Szentkút– keresztelő Nagy Blanka (Fejér László unokája)
When you stand at the boundaries of earthly life know that your Lord so far gave you every but everything out of love , and this is why you can rest assured , that here as well newer gifts are awaiting you. What next ? The details are not really important- in time the veil will fall of those as well- what is important , you can trust the Heavenly Father infinitely , as He loves you with an eternal love , and every member of your beloved family .
Father Csaba
translated by dr k.e.
In order to mature, to become an adult, we need confront anguish, the distress of failure, and the struggle to find a way out. If one can understand this, then one no longer perceives God as cruel, but rather, as One Who calls us to accept that it is through facing difficulties and seeking solutions that we grow. I cannot imagine anything more important than for one to address his Creator, and to experience in their heart of hearts, that He replies.
Father Csaba,
translated by dr k.e.
Everything is finite: the fertile land, the water, and treasures in the depths of the ground. Everything has its limits, with the exception love. The distribution of finite things invariably leads to conflict, and that is why people need to be taught to search for life-giving, merciful love. Deep down in our hearts we all know, that the infinite longing we are trying to satisfy with substitutes, can only be quenched by love. True limitless love.
Father Csaba
translated by dr k.e.
On the threshold of a new year I humbly ask for the grace of courage for my people , for humanity , for this wonderful big wide world . There were never such opportunities for continuing education, for teaching ourselves , for developing , for formulating our common dreams , and achieving those with faith , hard work ! Give us courage our God, so that we do not stop short ! That our human half-heartedness , our fears , do not crush our soaring, flight towards Infinity .
Father Csaba
translated by dr k.e.
The angel speaks: “Arise, take the child and his mother, and escape to Egypt.” (Matthew 2,13-14). Saint Joseph and Mary have to make a decision. On the one hand there is Nazareth with the workshop, an assured living, and home . On the other hand, there is the Child, the Life. One has to decide! The greatness of the Holy Family is manifest in choosing Life . They accept the flight, the poverty, and exile into a foreign land. They accept all, because Life is what's important to them.
Father Csaba
trans by dr k.e.