A prayer for the 52. International Eucharistic Congress

b_300_300_16777215_00_images_stories_Szent_Unnepek_urnapja17.jpgA prayer for the 52. International Eucharistic Congress Budapest.
Our Heavenly Father, the fountain of all life !
Send us Your Holy Spirit,
so that we may recognise and love more and more 
Christ , who sacrificed Himself for our sake 
and is present in the Holy Eucharist !
He is our Lord and Master , our friend and our nourishment,
our physician and our peace.
Give us courage ,so that we may take His strength and joy
to all man!
Grant us that the time of preparation
and the celebration of the Eucharistic Congress
may be to the service of all our faith-community, our capital, our people, 
Europe and the whole world’s spiritual renewal !
Amen .
iec 2020.hu