It depends on us…

b_300_300_16777215_00_images_stories_Szent_Szent_helyek_67618669_2404077483001189_9097263009541128192_o.jpgOur holy places are becoming deserted one after the other . Many are complaining that our churches are demolished . But speaking quite frankly , why should they stand empty?! Likewise at home we tend to rearrange the many junk , till one day we’ll throw it out . Either we fill the churches with life or similarly they will suffer the same fate. Lets fill our churches with prayers again and lets fill them with life again ! Even during weekdays lets sit in there even if just for a few minutes and lets quieten down. We do not have to do this always as part of a congregation . Jesus awaits us , "has consulting hours" ,from morning till night , from night till the morning . A building , no matter how many crosses are on it, if it does not serve life , then it is not serving God . 
Father Csaba 
translated by dr k.e.