May Your will be done and not mine …

b_300_300_16777215_00_images_stories_Csaba_levelek_Vegyes_67781059_2414106895331581_1793191220227342336_o.jpgWe buy a child 2-3 servings of ice-cream , but after that we say , this is it, otherwise you may get a sore throat . We also ask for all sorts of things from God, but He is wise , and He knows what can benefit us and what can harm us . It is difficult to set the right measure for ourselves . That is why it is important to add to our request : May Your will be done and not mine . No matter how much I whinge , but if You see that I have no need for that then do not grant it to me . It is important  to believe that God will grant me sooner or later all that is necessary for my body and soul, that where I have risen to the occasion and all that I am capable of accepting . Lets trust in Him, lets accept His will , lets dare to place ourselves into His hand .
Father Csaba 
translated by dr k.e.