b_300_300_16777215_00_images_stories_Alapitvany_Hirek_78492255_2671007426308192_2263809006101331968_o.jpgLove is conscious decision by another person , persisting even if my heart is not really in it. I would love in vain in the quietness of my own room the street kids ! What they don't need is to look into my tearful  , gentle eyes , but that there is bread on their table , a roof over their head , food on their plate , a pencil in their hand , a blanket on their bed , that they receive  a kind word , a caress. 
It is not easy to do a good deed for someone who drives you up the wall , who continually crosses you who is hostile . It is difficult for his sake , but for Jesus -who loves him as well , who says , “ whatever you do for him , you do that for me “ - we can do  good from our heart .
This is why we are not calculating , selfish if we do good , even if our hearts , our fallible human nature would take us in a different direction.
Father Csaba 
translated by dr k.e.