b_300_300_16777215_00_images_stories_Szent_Szentek_86460040_2827298930679040_4595535764573388800_n.jpgThe courts in this world  will punish sins committed unintentionally  or because of ignorance , of course taking mitigating circumstances into consideration . In the world not knowing the rules of the law does not exempt one from the sentence . But the earthly court “ cannot see into the heart “ , that is why often biased judgements can be made by the judges .
Saint Padre Pio of Pietrelcina put this into words very beautifully :” The devil has only one way, entrance into our hearts : the will, there are no other hidden gates . There is no such sin that was not committed  willingly . If the will does not consent , then it was not a sin committed but human weakness ."
Father Csaba
translated by dr k.e.