b_300_300_16777215_00_images_stories_Szent_Fopasztorok_2Janospapairgalmassag20.jpgJesus always heartens, encourages  man : “ Be not afraid, I am with you , we conquered the evil .” The evil spirit is the one that panics , becomes uncertain , does not trust in the future of the beautiful created by the Heavenly Father , Jesus trust in Him, because He knows that the Father does not create rejects . On the night of Christmas He dares to come alone amongst us . He dares to place His life into our hands . He does not retreat , even though He has to go through many difficulties , He does not starts to argue, quarrel but continues His work . It is worthwhile to pay attention to Him , to continue our live according to His laws , just as Mary did . 
Father Csaba 
translated by dr k.e.