
b_300_300_16777215_00_images_stories_Csaba_levelek_Vegyes_23561362_1555853031156976_8781794590177706182_n.jpgOur dearly beloved Heavenly Father, I ask you very, very humbly , to give us strength , that we concentrate on the tasks you entrusted us with ! Help us that we use all our time, energy carrying out our own duties well. Help me understand , that it is much better even if stumbling , to carry out our own task than sticking our nose into other people’s affair. I ask you humbly that I can magnanimously endure , tolerate "the seeds of dissension” in other people’s lives , and that in my own life I bear a hundredfold “crop” , for Your glory , and for the benefit of my beloved people .
Father Csaba
translated by dr k.e.