b_300_300_16777215_00_images_stories_Szent_Szentek_KJqktkqTURBXy8wNDVhMjdlMjRmMzhlYTI0NDMwYzUxOTkyMWFkMjUzMS5qcGVnkpUDACbNBADNAkCVAs0DUgDCww.jpgIt is a symbolic thing, but it is quite certain that we will not have a future if our families, Church, nation, and the love unifying mankind exists only in nice, joyful moments. If our unity collapses in the wake of unavoidable Good Fridays, recurring from time to time, when everything collapses around us, then we will not have a future . Our future is only guaranteed if, even during the most difficult moments, we stick together to the very last. If sullied, we will be cleansed, if humbly we cleanse one another .
Father Csaba
translated by dr k.e.