I admire God’s infinite patience , humility , that divine calmness , trust with which He puts Himself into our hands !! It is good to spend time in front of the Holy Eucharist , to let God, the Sacrament to touch our hearts with infinitely gentle love !
With love and prayer ,
Father Csaba
translated by dr k.e.
My Mother who gave me life , during the course of the holy mass I am giving Him calls Himself the Life ! To accept life is a sacrifice and the mother through the son receives the One who became the Sacrifice on the Cross ! Life is so marvellous !!!
Father Csaba
translated by dr k.e.
We meet with God in the Holy Eucharist, reading the Holy Scriptures-but also visiting the poor, welcoming the children in need we can embrace the same God. "37 “Whoever welcomes one of these little children in my name welcomes me; Mark 9,37 “- says our Lord Jesus Christ .
Father Csaba
translated by dr k.e.
Naturally the heavenly Father would have liked a different scenario , He was not the One Who wanted , that Jesus has to be crucified . It was not God who killed His Son, but , we the people , killed Him .
It is an incredible revelation : God loves us more than His Holy Son .
How terrible eternal damnation must be if God is prepared to pay such a price for us ? How incredible vistas can love open , if God just to give us a chance , was prepared to take on Calvary…..
Father Csaba
translated by dr k.e.
It seems as though God would not be omnipotent, almighty . Is our free will greater than the divine power ? God does not want to manipulate us , to coerce us into doing something , but He would like a conscious decision by love .
He asks for a deliberate decision of an adult from us.
Father Csaba
translated by dr k.e.
Lets go to bear witness about God’s infinite love, His caring goodness , His forgiving mercy ! People are searching for God and believe that Jesus Christ is the answer to their questions !
Father Csaba
translated by dr k.e.
Difficulties are God’s gifts , with which tackling, struggling day after day are we trying our wings . God in His infinite mercy saw it good , that man can only bring himself , his surrounding with travailing effort into the world . One should not be afraid of the work, the effort , the endeavour ! Lets place our crosses upon our shoulders , and follow the crucified Christ like that . The unfolding of our being, existence is the work and the struggle itself .
Father Csaba
translated by dr k.e.
There is answer to every question of our age we live in ! That is why I beseech gnawing “ hunger “ , strength , so in our world drifting only by weak inertia we stand up, face our questions , doubts we get going again and we find God !
Father Csaba
translated by dr k.e.
For a greater cause man is capable of making a sacrifice . We, people, are the children of God . Jesus undertook this sacrifice for our lives, salvation .
He could have decided otherwise as well, the Heavenly Father did not force, compel Him.
Father Csaba
translated by dr k.e.
"Töltsön el benneteket a reménység Istene teljes örömmel és békével a hitben, hogy a Szentlélek erejével bővelkedjetek a reményben." Rom 15,13
Pünkösdre készülve egy szép újszövetségi áldással köszöntelek, a ránk köszöntő hét első napján! Arra biztatlak, kérlek titeket, hogy egymásra, világunkra jót mondva, áldást kérve éljétek életeteket!!
Testvéri szeretettel,
Csaba t.
Kép: Szentéletű Áron püspök áldást oszt Csíkszereda főterén
Jesus always heartens, encourages man : “ Be not afraid, I am with you , we conquered the evil .” The evil spirit is the one that panics , becomes uncertain , does not trust in the future of the beautiful created by the Heavenly Father , Jesus trust in Him, because He knows that the Father does not create rejects . On the night of Christmas He dares to come alone amongst us . He dares to place His life into our hands . He does not retreat , even though He has to go through many difficulties , He does not starts to argue, quarrel but continues His work . It is worthwhile to pay attention to Him , to continue our live according to His laws , just as Mary did .
Father Csaba
translated by dr k.e.